Farm Action fights for a fair, sustainable, and healthy food system that empowers farmers, workers, and rural communities to feed America.
About us
Giant corporations are squeezing farmers and consumers for every penny they can get. We're telling Congress: Put a stop to the price gouging.
We won! Together, we stopped global corporations from cheating U.S. farmers and consumers with fraudulent “Product of U.S.A.” meat labels.
Farm Action has been recognized by The Hill as an "influential force" in the movement to create fair competition in our food and farm system.
Read the Profile
In our fight for a Fair Farm Bill, we're taking on powerful corporate agriculture interests — and we need your help!
We’re working to take away a billion dollar government fund that corporate interests use to lobby against farmers.
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Want to end the corporate control of our food system? Join Farm Action’s movement to stop corporate monopolies, hold government accountable, and build fair competition in rural America.

Farm Action in the News

Farm Action is fighting corporate monopolies in agriculture. For us, the fight for a fair food system is personal. 
Watch this short film to learn more about our farmer-led organization. 
Farm Action released the most up-to-date and comprehensive concentration data across the food and agriculture sectors, revealing a dire situation across the food system.

News to Chew on Blog

Farm Action’s take on breaking news and developing issues.

The Food System: Concentration and Its Impacts

Our special report provides the latest updated data on the state of concentration in the food system, and illustrates what happens when just a few hands control how billions of consumers, farmers, and farmworkers work and eat.

What Others Are Reading

The Feed-Meat Complex

In this must-read piece, we reveal how Big Ag corporations pocket billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded farm subsidies.


The Truth About Industrial Agriculture

Our report exposes the devious ways monopoly corporations maintain control over our food system.
The truth is, industrial agriculture is an economically flawed system that only survives by spending billions of dollars on myth-based marketing campaigns and passing
the true costs of production on to taxpayers, farmers, workers, and everyone who eats.

Big Ag Mythbusters

Published alongside our groundbreaking “Truth About Industrial Agriculture” report, this mythbuster blog series debunks the tall tales that multinational food corporations use to defend their business model and defeat any meaningful reforms.