FTC’s Ban on Restrictive Noncompete Agreements Will Boost Wages, Unleash Entrepreneurship
“FTC’s final rule removes a key mechanism of exploitation and corporate control over U.S. workers,” said Angela Huffman, President of Farm Action.
“FTC’s final rule removes a key mechanism of exploitation and corporate control over U.S. workers,” said Angela Huffman, President of Farm Action.
“The Enough Is Enough Tour is a unified platform for farmers and ranchers to voice the disastrous impacts of the current system on their lives and livelihoods, and to demand reforms that bring prosperity and fair competition to agriculture,” said Farm Action’s Angela Huffman.
“It’s time to join the movement and demand that our government allows farmers the opportunity to prosper with a level playing field instead of picking winners and losers in the marketplace,” said Farm Action’s Angela Huffman.
Offering more federal support to America’s fruit and vegetable farmers will secure our food supply, said Farm Action.
“These are long, hard fights that are measured in years — but today’s ‘Product of U.S.A.’ labeling win shows that our efforts were worth it,” said Joe Maxwell.
USDA’s newly finalized rule helps put teeth back into a critical livestock producer protection law, Farm Action said.
FTC seeks to shield farmers from getting further squeezed by retail market consolidation, Farm Action said.
The latest census demonstrates that corporate consolidation is driving farmers off the land, said Farm Action’s Joe Maxwell.
Through coercive and anticompetitive repair restrictions, farm equipment manufacturers are harming farmers, independent mechanics, and rural communities.
USDA is directing substantial funds for renewable energy and domestic fertilizer to big industrial operations, “while America’s farmers get the crumbs,” said Farm Action president Angela Huffman.