Bill Gates: Naïve Farmland Investor or Power-Hungry Megalomaniac?
The speed, size, and secrecy of “Farmer Bill’s” land purchases set off alarm bells. Why does a tech-obsessed billionaire need 240,000 acres of farmland?
The speed, size, and secrecy of “Farmer Bill’s” land purchases set off alarm bells. Why does a tech-obsessed billionaire need 240,000 acres of farmland?
We’re wary of Walmart’s investment in Sustainable Beef, an independent beef processor. Walmart’s goal is to gain more profit and power at the expense of everyone else.
Farm Action’s policy recommendations are reflected in the report from the Task Force on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, which will advance the goals of the upcoming White House Conference.
The contract poultry growing system is a bad deal for farmers, consumers, and the communities that surround large industrial operations.
Mountaire is urging their contract farmers to oppose a transparency rule that would make it easier for farmers to protect themselves from unfair practices.
The DOJ beat the USDA to the punch on reforming the poultry market by banning the tournament system for 15% of the market. The USDA needs to ban it entirely.
Thanks to the influence of corporate monopolies in our food system, there is a big, glaring contradiction between the kind of food our government recommends and the kinds of food it supports.
Our latest blog tells the history of Kansas’ prosperous Black farmers, and how the present-day fight to reclaim that legacy will benefit all family farmers — in Kansas and beyond.
As of late 2019, foreign investors have held an interest in almost 35.2 million acres of U.S. farmland. That’s an area larger than the state of New York. In the past 17 years alone, foreign farmland holdings have doubled in the U.S. and the trend is showing no signs of slowing.
The fight to protect livestock and poultry producers from Big Ag monopolies is as important as it is complicated. We outline the effort to protect farmers and ranchers from corporate abuses, providing a one-stop shop for background, resources, and action steps.