Meet the Beef Checkoff’s Million Dollar Man
His misleading return-on-investment studies prop up the legitimacy of the beef checkoff program and protect NCBA’s largest source of funding.
His misleading return-on-investment studies prop up the legitimacy of the beef checkoff program and protect NCBA’s largest source of funding.
Our government is supposed to represent its citizens and look out for our best interests. Instead, it bows to the monied interests of big business lobbyists.
NCBA has rigged the checkoff contracting system to pour ranchers’ dollars into its own pockets.
Our team members are hard at work growing and raising healthy foods for their communities, and they’re excited to share updates from their farms.
Checkoff programs are banned from lobbying, yet checkoff boards are engaging in behavior clearly designed to influence government policy.
Independent grocers and farmers are driven out of business as mega-retailers take over, negatively impacting everyone except company shareholders.
NCBA receives the majority of ranchers’ checkoff dollars each year, but they spend that money helping corporate meatpackers instead of America’s ranchers.
The checkoff has evolved into a behind-the-scenes machine that extracts money from farmers and funnels it to corporate lobbyists — who work tirelessly to consolidate power over our food system.
The U.S. is bullying Mexico into accepting our GM corn on behalf of Big Ag monopolies, paralleling the circumstances that led to American independence.
Crop insurance is a major driver of consolidation in our food system. It leads to fewer, larger farms that degrade the land and hollow out rural communities.