Today, Farm Action applauds an Oregon judge’s decision to block the merger of grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons, which would have driven retail market consolidation further and harmed farmers, workers, and consumers.
In response, Farm Action issued the following statement, which can be attributed to president and co-founder Angela Huffman:
“Today’s ruling is a necessary blow to corporate control over our food and agriculture system. This mega-merger would have only benefited the pockets of corporate shareholders. While industry consolidation increases prices for consumers and harms workers, grocery mergers also have a devastating impact on farmers and ranchers. When grocery stores consolidate, farmers have even fewer options for where to sell their products, and the chances of them receiving a fair price for their goods are diminished further. Today’s ruling is a win for farmers, workers, and consumers alike,” Huffman said.
Farm Action has been urging antitrust enforcers to stop this merger since it was first proposed in late 2022. For more information on how mergers drive consolidation and negatively impact our food system, see Farm Action’s blog, Integration Nation: How Big Ag Cornered the Food Market.
Media Contact: Emma Nicolas,, 202-450-0094