“By withholding software information to diagnose and repair equipment, manufacturers are forcing farmers to often face long wait times and sometimes drive hundreds of miles to find an authorized dealer — jeopardizing hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential yields,” said Farm Action’s Joe Maxwell.
Farm Action Urges Lamb Checkoff Reform at USDA
On Friday, Family Farm Action Alliance, with input from independent sheep ranchers, submitted public comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) regarding a proposed rule change on how mandatory payments will be collected from sheep ranchers and processors. The proposed rule focuses on ensuring that “non-traditional first handlers, such as ethnic processors (butcher shops) and farmer’s market processors”– who are primarily already struggling independent businesses — collect and pay mandatory checkoff fees to the American Lamb Board by adding burdensome administrative adjustments and software upgrades.
The USDA’s American Lamb Board assesses mandatory payments from ranchers and processors, known as “checkoff” dollars, to promote the lamb market and fund lamb sector research. Checkoff programs have long been under fire for rife misuse of funds, including illegal lobbying, to benefit the largest corporate operators. In its public comments, Family Farm Action Alliance recommends AMS cover the costs of the proposed rule and not place the burden on small businesses and sheep ranchers.
This proposed rule comes in the wake of a major lamb processing plant closure in Greeley, Colorado earlier this year. The plant, bought by international corporate beef giant JBS, is the latest example of corporate consolidation that backs independent ranchers and producers into a corner leaving them with few, if any market options.
Carson Jorgensen, an sixth-generation Utah sheep rancher, said: “Ranchers are struggling as is. This year a foreign-owned company bought out and shut down one of the biggest lamb processing plants in the west, taking many market opportunities along with it. All the while “Industry Leaders” remained silent. It’s clear to me that we’ve been paying into a failed checkoff system that, at the end of the day, does nothing to help farmers and ranchers. We should have the say as to where our own money goes!”
In its public comments, Family Farm Action Alliance recommends broader checkoff reforms can be implemented that truly benefit farmers and ranchers: a return to a voluntary point of sale checkoff to allow farmers, ranchers and producers to opt into checkoff payments as they could when the programs were first established. This is in contrast with the proposed rule that would further dig for mandatory checkoff dollars from the few, struggling independent lamb producers left.
Media Contact: Angela Huffman, angela@farmaction.us
Farm and Dairy | FTC Sues Deere for Blocking Farmers’ Right to Repair
“By withholding software information to diagnose and repair equipment, manufacturers are forcing farmers to often face long wait times and sometimes drive hundreds of miles to find an authorized dealer — jeopardizing hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential yields,” said Farm Action’s Joe Maxwell.
How Could RFK Jr. Challenge Food Monopolies as HHS Secretary?
Farm Action dove into how RFK Jr. could advance an agenda that strips undue corporate influence and achieves a healthier food system if he is confirmed.
Farm Action Applauds FTC’s Lawsuit Against John Deere for Illegal Repair Restrictions
“We applaud the FTC for this bold action to bring justice to farmers who have been stripped of their right to repair their own equipment, robbing them of time and money as a result,” said Farm Action’s Joe Maxwell.